I quite like to dabble in technologies I don‘t get to use at work - mainly embedded systems.

ESP32 Solar System
Using a MAKERFABS ESP32-TOUCH-CAMERA development board, I ported and extended some code by another user to work with the constraints of the ESP32 environment. This project was a 2D simulation of the positions of the planets in the solar system at a configurable time.
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ESP32 Logger
My home environment logger has gone through multiple iterations - first it logged data by POSTing to PiHome (which was a MongoDB backend with some very primitive graphing capabilities!) - now it uses InfluxDB+Grafana on my home NAS to supercharge my metrics. Data has never tasted so sweet.
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The heart of my development environment - using Neovim and Tmux to effortlessly refactor code and add new features (and bugs).
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